If you show passion, team spirit and ability, you have come to the right place
Globaltronics and the entire Wünsche Group expect a lot from their employees: our people should not only have the necessary expert knowledge and experience needed, they should also be true team players who take the day by the horns every day with an upright and straightforward attitude.And with the highest standards for themselves and their results. In return, we give a lot: trust, support and the chance to gain new competencies with each new task. Newcomers are also very welcome: thanks to training on the job and individual support, you’ll quickly get to know your new job.
Apprentices, too, experience an extensive programme that takes them through the various departments. They gain profound know-how for getting their foot on the career ladder. And our trainees and student employees gain their first important, real working experience. To us, teamwork means: mutual respect, open-mindedness and acceptance.
People at Globaltronics think and plan ahead in everything they do. They are bursting with enthusiasm for satisfying our customers with great ideas and a willingness to perform to their best. But more than that: for wowing them. Do you feel the same way? Then welcome to your new employer, Globaltronics!